Please make sure you have thoroughly read through the production description and size information.
As crystals come from the Earth, there may be some type of imperfections that don't necessarily show up in photographs. For example, such as some of the crystal points may not always be perfect or sides may have been "self-healed" to some degree. For some people, these may be considered imperfections but to others they may be very desirable qualities that attribute to spirituality.
If there are any additional pictures or angles you would like, please inquire through our contact form on the FAQ/Contact page. Include the name of the item and it's item (SKU) number.
Any damages that occur in transit should be notified to the owner (Vanessa Zucker) immediately via email at or instagram direct messages @wanderwildcrystals.
We are always willing to accomodate and work with our customers when it comes to a refund in regards to damages.